Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday April 28, 2014

                                     AP Biology Free- Response Question

2.) Information flow in cells can be regulated by various mechanisms.
    (a.) Describe the role of Three of the following in the regulation of protein synthesis:

  • RNA splicing 
  • repressor protein 
  • methylation
  • siRNA
   (b.) Information flow can be altered by mutations. Describe THREE different types of mutations and their effects on the protein synthesis.
   (c.) Identify TWO environmental factors that increase the mutation rate in an organism, and discuss their effects on the genome of the organism.
   (d.) Epigenetics is the study of heritable changes in the phenotype caused by mechanisms other than changes in the DNA sequence. Describe ONE example of epigenetic inheritance.

Please have both timed free responses by Friday ONLY if you have been absent.  Per.1 and per.5 will do The above timed FR on Wed. April 20.  Per 2 will do it Thurs.

Friday April 25, 2014

                                             AP Biology Free-response Question

2.) Organisms utilize a diversity of methods to obtain proper nutrition.
    (a.) Some organisms digest food intracellularly, while others digest food extracelluarly.

  •   Identify ONE nonvertebrate organism that digests food intracellularly and describe the process.   
  •   Identify ONE nonvertebrate organism that digests food extracellulary and describe the process.    
     (b.) Describe TWO structural features of the human stomach and/or small intestine. For each, explain how the structure relates to the function .
    (c.) Plants have a variety of mechanisms for obtaining nutrients. Describe TWO and explain how each structure is utilize in nutrient uptake.


  • Grades are due on April 30, 2014
  • AP Biology Exam is on May 11, 2014